Trinity International Concert Choir

Advent 2018

2 December 2018

Advent worship service and Christmas market

TICC, which is hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church, provided Advent music on the first Sunday in Advent during worship. Following the Service we had a Christmas Market with delicious eatables and drinkables as well as handicraft items for your Christmas giving.

Funds raised help defray orchestra and soloist costs of the Telemann concerts  “Der Tag des Gerichts” in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt as well as those of the upcoming concerts in Lent of 2019.

Time and venue:
2 December 2018 – 11.00 am
Trinity Lutheran Church
Nibelungenallee 54
60318 Frankfurt

15 December 2018

Christmas Vesper, Alte Nikolaikirche

Poster Adventsvesper 2018

Christmas Vesper, a musical performance together with the sanctuary choir of the Trinity Lutheran Church.

Time and venue:
15.12.2018 – 17.00 pm
Alte Nikolaikirche
Römerberg 11
60311 Frankfurt